Saturday 30 July 2016

Docker Container Interview Questions

Docker is a new technology for virtualization. Here are some interview questions and answers on docker container.

How to create docker container?

We can create docker container by running this command
docker run -t -i <image name> <command name>
This will create and start the container

How do you create docker image?

Docker image are created using Docker file. Docker build is command to create docker image out of docker file

So you have the docker image, what is the next step?

With docker image, we can spawn as many containers as needed. All containers can be same instance or it can also be different instance, what I mean that if we are using the same command for creating multiple containers, all container will behave as same. However, if you choose different command to create container out of same image, it will provide different functionality altogether.

How to know the container status?

Just fire docker ps -a to list out all running container with stauts (running or stopped) on a host

How to stop and restart the container?

To stop container, we can use docker stop <container id>
To start a stopped container, docker start <container id> is the command
To restart a running container, docker restart <container id>

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